Yoga Nidra

Grab your comfiest clothes, a blanket and dim the lights for this soothing, relaxing class. We start with some gentle & restorative yoga, close to the ground to prepare you for a 30 minutes guided, therapeutic, deep relaxation meditation.

Described as “dynamic sleep,” Yoga Nidra allows the body to deeply relax while the mind stays inwardly alert but stops its endless quest to distract you slowing down, so you feel at ease. I will gently guide you into a state, between wakefulness and sleep. Yoga nidra literally changes the 'fluctuations of the mind' by slowing down brain wave frequencies, inducing calm and relaxation.

Yoga nidra helps activate the relaxation response and improves the functioning of your nervous system and endocrine system, which affects your hormones. It can help cells regenerate and repair, and help improve your mood and ease symptoms of anxiety, depression and psychological distress. It has also been found to help insomnia and reduces activity in the craving-related area of the brain.

Yoga nidra is an ancient practice originating in India. Its roots can be traced back to Sankhya philosophy. It continues to evolve. Clinical psychologists have also developed a system of yoga nidra as a therapeutic practice, used in settings such as hospitals, prisons and clinics and supporting those with post traumatic stress disorders.

In my online classes, I create a new yoga nidra meditation each week, focusing on different themes such as letting go, calm, gratitude and connection. You will also receive an audio, recording of the class for you to listen to in your own time.

For private clients, I create yoga nidra scripts tailored specifically for you.