
I have tried so many different things to aid my sleep. I completed the Sleep Recovery Course with Sally 2 months ago and my sleep has really improved. I am sleeping much more deeply and if I do wake in the night, I use the sleep sequence or one of Sally’s yoga nidra meditations and fall back to sleep within a few minutes. I wish I had found this years ago. I have and will continue to recommend Sally’s course to anyone with sleep issues.

Catherine, London One to One Sleep Recovery Course

I would highly recommend Sally’s Sleep Recovery sessions to anyone who is suffering with sleep problems. I accessed the course privately online and the flexibility around my schedule and tailored sessions really benefited me. Sally shared easy to use tools which I factor into my day. I have been able to sleep 7/8 hours a night and have so much more energy throughout the day. Sally’s continued aftercare and extra resources shared during the course were really appreciated. Thank you!

Donna, Essex Online Sleep Recovery Course

From the very first moment, Sally delivered at or above expectations. The Sleep Recovery Course with Sally was a very valuable experience for me. I was reminded of daily habits that were sabotaging my sleep as well as provided with new tools to combat sleepiness, restlessness and midday slumps. Sally’s personalized touch really enhanced the experience.

Dani, Malaga, Online Sleep Recovery Course

I just love Sally’s classes. She is so warm, friendly and enthusiastic. I feel on top of the world after our yoga sessions. Sally is brilliant at working with two clients and manages to go at both our paces. I expect to be doing yoga with Sally still when I’m 100. I’ll be lying back on my mat in the Spanish countryside with the sounds of goat bells and Sally’s dulcet tones ringing in my ears as I close my eyes and relax.

Margo, Malaga, Private duet classes

Sally’s classes are down to earth, unpretentious and fun. She is intuitive to people’s needs and I feel safe and looked after. My body and mind benefit hugely. I enjoy the mindfulness and now use some of the techniques in between classes.

Sheila, Malaga, Private group classes

I had practiced yoga once to twice a week for a few years at my local gym. During lockdown I struggled to find yoga classes on line that I enjoyed. A friend recommended Sally to me and I’m so glad they did. Her morning flow classes are a lovely combination of gentle exercise and relaxing mindfulness. I always feel so much better physically and mentally at the end of each session. I feel as though my body and mind have been given a great big warm hug. The evening Nidra classes are lovely too. The perfect way to end each day.

Janice, Aberdeen, Online monthly member

I was new to Yoga when I had my first session from Sally. After a very mindful assessment of my needs I received a personalised programme that I could carry on at home in my own time. It has helped me manage my stress after a busy day at work and my body feels much more in tune, as well as stronger and more supple! Looking forward to a 1-1 again very soon.

Emily, Brighton 1 to 1 Client

I have attended Sally Harland's Yoga sessions, and can honestly say the programme she has put together for me has enhanced my well being and really sorted me out. As a result I have less back and neck pain, reduced my feelings of anxiety and tension in my body and I feel more relaxed overall. I look forward to attending a retreat!

Alice, Brighton 1 to 1 Client

Sally offered morning yoga sessions to our guests at our B & B in Granada. They all loved her!! Sally is very warm and friendly and has excellent people skills. Her yoga classes were gentle but with a lovely energising flow, perfect for mornings around our pool and suitable for all body types and levels. We want her back!!!

Samantha and Paul, Granada, Private Group

I whole heartedly recommend trying a practice session of Yoga with Sally, even if you're just even slightly curious. Learning to make time for myself was my first achievement. I started practising yoga 1 on 1 with Sally and now I absolutely love her groups zooms. They're fun and safe and kind. I feel the physical benefits instantly and her guided meditations positive. And, Ive found this out...I actually like being kind to myself, so now I’m a 'yoga with Sally Harland' monthly subscriber. It's brilliant!

Briony, Jaen online private and group class participant

As a newcomer to yoga, I was somewhat sceptical but open minded when starting, as to what it's benefits would be to me. It's proving to have been an excellent decision. The combination of relaxing and meditative yoga are perfect to soothe the mind and flexibility of the body. More surprising is how my core strength has improved as well. Barely six weeks later and it is definitely part of my life. Thanks Sally.

Seb, Jaen online private and group class participant

I am a long term practitioner and teacher of yoga and would highly recommend Sally’s classes. She explains the postures very well while giving you room to explore for yourself how they feel in the body. I really love the Yoga Nidra classes, a little movement to begin and then her gentle guidance into this deeply transformative practice leaves me feeling very relaxed and at ease.

Tanya, Malaga online class participant


Sally’s teaching style is really friendly and inclusive so you feel comfortable to go with how ever you feel in each session. I’ve never really got the hang of meditation but the guided meditation at the end has helped me to relax and sleep better. I’d encourage anyone of any ability to join one of Sally’s sessions.

Clare, London, Online class participant,

I’ve attended classes with Sally online and have really enjoyed them. I have done some yoga previously so not a total beginner so I have found the different options Sally gives for most exercise extremely helpful. Being able to you to chose your own level enables me to ensure I am pushing myself without over stretching. She always encourages the class to listen to their own bodies and do what feels right.
I always feel much more relaxed and less tense after classes and have found my neck/ shoulder pain to be slowly improving. I would highly recommend her classes

Laura, Malaga Online group class participant

I did one to one sessions with sessions with Sally to help manage my stress levels and to help with a shoulder injury that was causing me lots of pain She was very attentive to my needs, created lovely sessions for me each week, always with relaxing meditations. I sleep better and now have no pain in my shoulder. I highly recommend one to one sessions. I now use the sessions she created for me on a regular basis.

Lynda, Granada, one to one private client

Reviews from my Andalucian Retreats

Sally has a manner which immediately relaxes. Quiet & flowing intro, good slow stretches and a few giggles, stopping people from feeling tense or serious

Anne-Marie has the most relaxing serene voice for meditation sessions, I could listen all day. Sally seemed to be able to curate the perfect yoga session every single time - challenging but never too much. AND you're both funny as f***

I learnt that yoga is not all about hard poses, to be kinder to myself and less strict

It really was the perfect retreat away. EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you both so much, big love"

Every activity encouraged me to be self-reflective and intentional in my thinking about my past and my future. That thinking and feeling space was just what I needed

You guys were perfect. You were so open-minded and open-hearted, and everyone else followed suit as well. You fostered a really communal atmosphere. And the diversity of activities was much appreciated, along with the expectation that we could do or not do any of them we chose. The freedom to join in or take a time out made the whole weekend feel calm.

I never expected everyone else to be so down to earth and genuine! I was pleasantly surprised that no one was a ‘yoga princess,’ no one was putting on makeup or even bothered about showering after every activity. Everyone was down for having some proper outdoors time, and that’s just what I like.

Best bits were being among like minded people and honestly laughing loads! Oh and the yoga and acupuncture of course! It was great to be able to practice each day in a beautiful environment

For me the early morning yoga was fabulous but in particular the walk through the hills around the retreat centre was mind-blowing. I adored all that rustic, unspoilt landscape.

You both work really well together. Sally your yoga really helped me to understand how to breath properly. No pretensions, very authentic and lots of fun. Thank you