Prepare your body and mind for deep sleep in this yoga therapy for sleep recovery 5 week online course.

Sally creates an authentic, safe space in her classes and has taught me how to attune to my body with curiosity rather than judgment.
— Fiona, East Sussex


My yoga therapy sessions with Sally have helped me to understand my nervous system and how to access better sleep. I use the calming breathing techniques and acupressure every evening before bed.
— Irene, Sussex

What is Sleep Recovery?

In the UK one in three adults suffer with disrupted sleep. Post pandemic we know that levels of self-reported insomnia have risen as well as rates of stress and anxiety which massively impacts our sleep.

The Sleep Recovery course, created by Lisa Sanfilippo a sleep expert, yoga therapist and psychotherapist - is a carefully designed five step method for improving your sleep and mopping up after a bad night. I’m excited to be able to offer this online and live as a 5 week course of supportive practices including gentle yoga sequences; morning energisers and restorative pick-me-ups, breathing practices, self-acupressure and simple meditations.

This course will tackle the challenge of better sleep through an integrated and holistic approach couched in the science of sleep. The practices included have immediate effects and the approach takes account of all the different aspects of a person, appreciating that our needs and issues may change at differing life stages, circumstances such as menopause, pregnancy and current medical and mental health conditions. We also look at how sleep may also vary according to people’s temperament and nature.

Who is this course for?

  • Do you struggle to get to sleep and wake up frequently once you do?

  • Do you fall asleep, wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep?

  • Do you spend hours at night feeling wired and tired with thoughts all over the place?

  • Do you sleep a lot but still feel tired and lethargic throughout the day no matter how much sleep you get? 

  • Worry that you don’t sleep well compared to other people?

  • Feel irritable and low in energy and would love to change this?

  Any of these sound like you? – Scroll down!

How can it help?

The 5-week Sleep Recovery course is a unique approach which will help you understand what’s really happening with your sleep and provide you with a selection of tools and skills you can use to restore healthy sleep and sustain energy levels. There will be a chance to identify self-sabotaging habits that might be impacting your sleep and to learn effective practices that you can integrate into your daily life and routine to change your energy levels and how you sleep.

It can be really helpful when you know others are on the journey with you so the course is taught in small groups. You may want more personalised support at times that fit around your schedule, so I also offer private one to one sessions. Either way you’ll come away with tools and the experience to draw from for the rest of your life.

My approach

It was my own experience of suffering with sleep issues that lead me to this work. Battling with sleep deprivation for most of my 20s and 30s and full blown insomnia due to burn out at work. I have been prescribed medication, told to eat sweet cereal before bed and offered CBT. None of these worked long term so I became obsessed with the science of sleep. The learning on my yoga teacher training around how we can power down the nervous system was invaluable to me. The last few years have been spent supporting numerous clients to achieve deeper rest and sleep through yoga and meditation. Using the tools from this course I no longer suffer with insomnia and if I do wake, I use these practices to quickly fall back into a deeper, sounder sleep.

In this course I combine my own yoga therapy, yoga nidra, mindfulness for stress reduction and psychotherapy training with the sleep recovery method created by Lisa Sanfilipo, a psychotherapist, yoga therapist and author of the books, Yoga therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Recovery. Lisa brings over 20 years of research, experience and expertise to this work and has designed a comprehensive, accessible method welcoming those completely new to yoga as well as seasoned practitioners.  

You can read more about the 5 steps of Yoga for Sleep Recovery below.

I have been meditating for years when Sally introduced me to yoga nidra, which takes meditating to a whole new level. Her guided mediations not only help me to get to sleep but the quality of my sleep makes a massive difference to my wellbeing the next day. Thank you Sally!
— Nicky, Malaga
Sally’s gentle yoga sequences and yoga nidra recordings have been my go-to when I’m exhausted. They ALWAYS help me to fall asleep and stay asleep.
— Ruth, Malaga

Each week we focus on a different aspect of sleep recovery

  • Body Recovery

    Get to know your sleep type, we all have different constitutions and needs and this changes as we age.

    Find out how the body influences how we feel.

    Learn tools to pull tension out of your body and foster relaxation and neurochemistry needed for better sleep.

    Practice a Simple Sleep Sequence to help you settle down before bed.

  • Energy Repair

    Help to re-establish the capacity to manage your day to day energy more effectively.

    Learn how to calm your nervous system through sleep inducing breath practices.

    Discover breathing techniques to energise your nervous system after a sleep restricted night and also how to settle your energy using acupressure points.

  • Mental Health Recovery

    Learn how to retrain your brain through mindfulness techniques and mental digestion.

    Learn sustainable tools to change your relationship to your thoughts to access a deeper more restful sleep.

    Learn to listen to your body cues and work with your mind/body rather than against.

  • Emotional Recovery

    Get support around finding more emotional balance in times of stress.

    Find out what you might be doing in good faith that might be sabotaging your sleep.

  • Reawaken Happy

    Sometimes poor sleep is a sign of something else going on in your life and can act as a wake-up call to address our mental, emotional, physical and energetic influences.

    Develop a personal tool kit to help you find more joy in your day to day.

Early bird discount for November course

Early bird discount for November course ⋆

What to expect.

I offer the Sleep Recovery course over 5 weeks live on zoom. You can attend live or watch the recordings if you can’t attend them all.

The first week is 90mins and the following weeks are 75mins.

Each week is a mix of knowledge, personal reflection and a practical element, offering you tangible ways to fit bite-size practises into your day.  You will be encouraged to practise a little in your own time, each week, gradually repatterning and improving your sleep hygiene.

You do not need to have practised yoga before.

Small groups of no more than 7 participants for a more personal feel.

You will only need a yoga mat and perhaps some cushions/pillows and a blanket.

This course is delivered with whole-hearted support using a trauma informed approach. I strive to create an open, friendly, confidential and welcoming place for you to feel safe and rest.

What else is included?

  • Free Sleep Recovery book by Lisa Sanfillipo to help guide you through the method and will remain an invaluable reference for you to help keep you on track.

  • A confidential, one to one, 15 minute chat around your current sleep issues and what your needs are. (optional)

  • Recordings of all of the practices, including the sleep and waking-up yoga sequences, acupressure points, and meditations for you to use when needed.

  • A calming yoga nidra mp3 audio recording.

  • Lots of links to extra helpful resources

  • Aftercare support

If you are having sleep difficulties then this is the course for you. No yoga experience necessary.

Next group online course dates: (UK times)

The next online course will take place in November 2023. Dates and time TBC.

£110 / €125

Recommend a friend and receive an extra £5 discount if they sign up.

All sessions are recorded and can be sent to you in case you can’t attend them all.

One to One Sessions

If you would prefer to attend this 5 week course privately at a time and day more suitable for you, I also offer it one to one online or in person.

Price: £250 or €280

Want to arrange a free chat?