Gain valuable insight into the sleep recovery 5 -step method at one of my online workshops

Sleep Recovery is a five step yoga-based method for improving your sleep. 

Curious about the Sleep Recovery method but unable to commit to a 5 week course at the moment? Or maybe you are looking for some practical techniques you can use immediately to help recover your sleep.

Join me for a live, online introductory workshop where you’ll be offered a compact way of finding out how the yoga based method can help you to recover your sleep. Each 2 hour workshop includes experiential content as well as elements of the science of sleep, practical techniques, open discussion and information that you can take with you and use in your lives straight away.

This compassionate, holistic and practical guide to repairing your sleep will help you to begin to repair the physical, mental, emotional and energetic habits that may be sabotaging your sleep.

My yoga for sleep workshops and courses brings together tried and tested methods from the work of yoga for insomnia expert & sleep recovery pioneer, Lisa Sanfilippo, who has been researching and developing this work for over 20 years and continues to do so. I integrate this with my own yoga therapy training, counselling skills, mindfulness for stress reduction and yoga nidra (yogic sleep) training.

What we will cover 

  • Discover your own personal sleep constitution. Are you a monkey, tiger or bear?

  • Examine different brain wave sleep states and learn how to train your brain to drift off.

  • Learn breathing techniques to energise or calm your nervous system.

  • Practice a simple bedtime yoga sequence.

  • Enjoy one of my transformative, deeply relaxing yogic sleep meditations (yoga nidra).

Also Includes:

  • A recording of the full workshop

  • A separate recording of the bedtime yoga sequence

  • An audio mp3 recording of one of my relaxing yoga nidra meditations

  • 20% discount on any of my full 5 week sleep recovery courses.

    Investment: £28/€32

What you will need

Comfortable, warm clothing to do a little yoga, a pillow and a yoga strap/scarf/dressing gown cord.

Notebook and pen.

Next online workshop dates

Saturday 21st October 2023 Via Zoom

10.30am-12.30pm (UK time) 11.30am -1.30pm (Spanish time)

Send me a message to express an interest, book your space or to arrange a free chat about your sleep.

The tools, I learnt on the course have really helped me. I am sleeping better than I have for a long time. Sally’s approach is empathetic, friendly and down to earth and her yoga nidra’s have been my bedtime best friend. Big thanks!
— Katy, Sleep Recovery Course participant
Working with Sally has been sooo beneficial to me. My sleep has massively improved. I am now sleeping 7 hours without waking which was alien to me. I also have so much more energy in the day. I will definitely be recommending signing up to work with her.
— Georgia, Sleep Recovery Course Particpant

Want to arrange a free chat about your sleep?